Main Achievements obtained by the Department of Financial Inclusion and Gender 2023
30 de January de 2024
11 de April de 2024International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8, a commemorative date that was established by the United Nations (UN) in 1977 in honor of the 129 textile workers at the Cotton factory in New York City, United States, who died in a fire while on strike demanding better working conditions on March 8, 1857.

To honor the memory of these women who cemented the pillars of the struggle for equality and labor rights, the Management of Education and Financial Inclusion and Gender of the CNBS, held 2 days of conferences called “Integration of Women to Economic Development” which were given by Ms. Thelma Sauceda, specialist in gender issues and part of the Women’s Chair. of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH).

The speaker urged the implementation of economic and social policies for the economic empowerment of women. Stressing that it is essential to protect women’s right to work and rights at work.

These proposals include macroeconomic, labour and social policies with a gender perspective that promote inclusive growth, as well as measures to ensure women’s full and productive employment and decent work.
Emphasizing inclusive and gender-responsive social protection systems, including minimum levels.
At least 191 of the institution’s staff and employees participated in the activity, seeking women’s access to skills development and decent work in new and emerging sectors, and upskilling.