MAIN RESULTS OF THE “16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE” CAMPAIGN25 de January de 2024CIVIL SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES COMMEMORATE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY11 de April de 2024 Main Achievements obtained by the Department of Financial Inclusion and Gender 2023 LOGROS-2023Descarga Compartir0 Entradas relacionadas1 de November de 2024The CNBS participates in the V Central American Forum on Financial Inclusion “For an integrated and innovative ecosystem”Leer más3 de July de 2024The National Commission of Banks and Insurance (CNBS) participated in the meetings of the Financial Inclusion Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC)Leer más13 de June de 2024The National Commission of Banks and Insurance hosted the meetings of the Financial Inclusion Data (FIDWG) and SME Financing (SMEFWG) Working Groups of AFILeer más