The Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros dialogue with the Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador about the experiences in the roadmap for the financial inclusion of women in the Honduran financial system.
23 de October de 2023
1 de December de 2023
The Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros (CNBS), on October 2, 2023, participated in the virtual training organized by the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) and the Superintendency of Banks of the Dominican Republic on “the steps for a financial inclusion policy with a gender perspective: the role of regulatory authorities”.

During the training, there was the outstanding presence of Ms. Zaira Badillo, Head of the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the AFI; In addition, officials of the Superintendency of Banks participated, and Marcela Herrera, Manager of Education and Financial Inclusion and Gender of the CNBS.

In the development of the topic, Ms. Herrera exchanged knowledge addressing points such as: what actions did the CNBS take to promote financial inclusion with a gender perspective in the country, what were the results obtained from the Gender Gap Report, what were the challenges and obstacles that were presented, the role that the CNBS has had in recent years, as well as the relevant actors to promote women’s financial inclusion and the impact of women’s financial inclusion policies.