The CNBS presents results of the Gender Gap Report in the Honduran Financial System
1 de September de 2023
Honduras Recognized as Ambassador for Gender Inclusive Finance at the Global Policy Forum of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion
8 de September de 2023
One of the results is that there has been a growth in credit, with credit increasing among women in 2022, according to the CNBS
Publication of La Tribuna newspaper
August 01 2023
The Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) congratulates the government of President Xiomara Castro for the success of the measures implemented by the National Commission of Banks and Insurance (CNBS) on gender issues.
In a letter addressed to the commissioner president of the CNBS, Marcio Sierra, the organization based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, recognizes the leadership, role, active participation and commitment in promoting education, inclusion, financial innovation. As well as, reducing the gender gap.
Therefore, “we congratulate you, in establishing education, inclusion and gender management unit.” It is a sign of its strategic vision as a regulator, which will allow the CNBS to continue working to ensure access to financial products, services and economic assistance for the Honduran population, he added.
There is no doubt that with the launch of this unit, the CNBS will be able to monitor the fulfillment of activities related to financial inclusion and the promotion of finance education, he added.
In this way, it will be able to promote the gender culture that is a very relevant issue for the AFI network, she says. “Our regional office for the Caribbean and Latin America will continue to work closely with the CNBS and its presiding commissioner,” the letter sent to the Honduran regulator by AFI Executive Director Alfred Hanni summarizes.
The commissioner president of the CNBS, Marcio Sierra, welcomed this recognition, while indicating that the creation of the gender unit is one of the campaign promises fulfilled by President Xiomara Castro.
“It is the recognition of an international organization of which we are part as Honduras of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, that organization every year evaluates the main issues of financial inclusion.”
In this sense, “since last year we have been working on a restructuring of the organization of the National Commission of Banks and Insurance, and within the mission, establishes that financial and gender inclusion is part of that,” Sierra added.
Due to the importance of the issue, the commissioners decided to create a management of Inclusion, Financial Education and Gender, which has enhanced and visualized this issue, he said.
“In addition, this was within the Government Plan of our President Xiomara Castro and is one of the things we are carrying out.” (JB)https://www.latribuna.hn/2023/08/02/la-afi-felicita-a-la-cnbs-por-los-avances-en-inclusion-financiera/#:~:text=Uno%20de%20los%20resultados%20es,las%20mujeres%2C%20seg%C3%BAn%20la%20CNBS.